GECO - Sustainability virtual italian fair
Virtual fair
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Born from the collaboration between Smart Eventi, an agency with decades of experience in organizing corporate events, and the Hypersmarter platform for virtual events that offers a highly immersive 3D world that can be visited through interactive avatars.
GECO EXPO is a virtual exhibition open area where companies, through their virtual stands, will present their innovative ideas, projects, products and services related to sustainability. GECO EXPO also features the latest trends of the moment presented and explained by experts, during the scheduled round tables, the pitches of visionary startup founders and finally the calls made through our contests.
Have you ever imagined seeing all the players in your sector brought together to talk about concrete actions on sustainability in one place? During the virtual fair GECO EXPO the main protagonists will be the exponents of private companies, government istitutions, influencers and travel bloggers, but also scientists and experts in the sectors of sustainable mobility, renewable energy, circular economy, tourism and food in a single environment . An interactive virtual place: GECO EXPO!
GECO For School is inspired by the success that GECO EXPO experiences. It proposes an educational and virtual project on Green Education, that first starts from and with the Italian high schools but involves throughout its length enterprises, universities and institutions.
Education united with the presentation of universities and enterprises dedicated and involved with sustainability represents the stating point for future development and a greener tomorrow.
The choice of investing time and effort on new generations is another stepping stone.
From the virtual fair to the school context, the already analyzed themes are brought to the students with a more suitable language and presented in order to explain and interest the youth by also showing the commitment that enterprises put not only on environmental aspects but also on knowledge, occupation and social development.
Sustainable tourism & MICE, Mobility & Business Travel, Renewable Energy, EcoFood and Circular Economy. We will also take into consideration all other issues related to the Green New Deal objectives.
The objectives of GECO EXPO for a concrete impact in the present and in the future
The last year has accelerated the process of global digitization, bringing out the added value generated by the possibility of creating and carrying out activities remotely, especially in the context of events, which will surely return to being organized live, the future speaks of hybrid event both in presence and virtual events, so as to be able to involve an increasingly large number of participants, avoiding long journeys with both economic and environmental costs.
In this period of uncertainty, which is going through a great evolutionary change, GECO is the tool that will allow to relaunch companies that do not want to stop but wish to continue to intercept their audience and develop collaborations to ensure a present and a future as protagonists in the scope of sustainability!