GECO - Sustainability virtual italian fair
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* To participate and watch the contents of GECO (round tables, geco green talk) it is sufficient to register ONCE ONLY for the event.
10% of the global annual emissions of greenhouse gases is charged to the textile and footwear sector alone. According to the JRC-EU Joint Research Center, 52% of these emissions are attributable to the supply chain of the companies participating in the production, from raw materials to the finished product, while 45% is attributable to the final customer in the use phase of the products. Among the final customers are those who extend the life cycle of the products purchased and those who instead feed Fast-Fashion, thus increasing the negative impact on the environment, not to forget the presence of many social problems along the supply chain. At the end of the life cycle, just over 1% of the products are recovered to be reused in the same supply chain, while 13% are reused for products of lower value: these are areas with strong improvement expectations, together with interventions along the production chain to reduce the use of chemicals and the use of natural resources from materials to energy and water, as well as interventions to ensure social sustainability. The Round Table intends to share positive examples and good practices followed by companies along the path of sustainability and circularity.
How to participate:
After registering for the GECO event, log in to the website with your credentials, by clicking on the "Login" button visible on the Homepage at the top right.
Once logged in, there are 2 ways to watch the scheduled contents:
In addition, just before the start of each speech, the avatars connected at that time on the platform will display a notification, inviting them to go to the auditorium to follow the scheduled content.