Angelo Consoli

Angelo Consoli

Angelo Consoli

Company: Cetri-Tires

Job Title: President


Born in Brindisi Italy in 1957.Graduated at Bari Law School with honours. Moved to Brussels in 1985, where he worked in several positions in the ITC industry, and in the European Institutions, before setting up his own EU affairs and relations company.

He is currently the President of the CETRI-TIRES, (Third Industrial Revolution European Society), and the Director of the European Office of Jeremy Rifkin, in charge of relations with the European leadership and institutions, and of the organisation of campaigns on environment, social justice and human rights, with NGOs, Local Authorities and ethically concerned companies with specific regards to the vision of a global Green New Deal and the Third Industrial Revolution as a new energy model based on the principles of democracy, interactivity and distributed generation.

In this capacity he has led the campaign for the creation of the Hydrogen and Fuel cell Technology platform, subsequently transformed in Joint Undertaking in 2004 leading 

to the adoption under German EU Presidency led by Angela Merkel, of the 20 20 20 Climate and Energy Package (March 2007), and the management of European Campaign leading to the European Parliament Written Declaration 16/2007 for the establishment of a green hydrogen economy and a third industrial revolution in Europe.

He also coordinates the Third Industrial Revolution CEO Round Table, created and  chaired by Jeremy Rifkin, as consultative body for industrial strategies in support of  climate change policies, and is composed by energy and environment aware companies,  trade organisations, already involved in Third Industrial Revolution energy Master plans for cities and regions in Europe and the US including, New York State, San Antonio-Texas, Utrecht, Rome, North Pas de Calais, Luxembourg, Rotterdam.

He is adviser on sustainability, environment and ethical use of natural resources, as well as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), to several Heads of Government, Local Authority leaders, Members of the European Parliament and of National parliaments. He coordinated the campaign of the Office of Jeremy Rifkin for the European Green Deal resulting in the adoption of the EU Green Deal strategy in 2019 and of the European Hydrogen strategy in 2020. 

Further information: Author of several publications on sustainability and energy like "Territorio Zero-towards a zero emission,zero waste, short food supply chain society, written in collaboration with prof. Livio de Santoli, Deputy Rector for Sustainability of La Sapienza University in Rome, and European Psycho - the green new deal revolution in the name of Spinelli to save Europe from his contraddictions. He writes on sustainability issus on The Hyffington Post and holds the weekly editorial on Tele Ambiente TV. Cooperatred to the writing of several books by Jeremy Rifkin such as: The Third Industrial Revolution, Zero Marginal Cost Society and The Global Green New Deal.

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