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Company: ENEA
Job Title: Environmental engineer and phd researcher
Francesca Cappellaro, PhD in environmental engineer, is researcher at ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development). Since 2000, she has been working on circular economy, sustainability, environmental evaluations, eco-design, eco-innovation. She has deepen experience in transition thinking and emerging approaches for sustainable system innovation taking part in several European projects, such as EIT Climate-KIC Education Programme aimed at introducing circular economy in business and circularity approach in urban areas. Marketing manager of the ENEA Laboratory for the Environment (LEA) and councillor of the Clust-ER Greentech, she is an expert of the Green City Network and the Technical-Scientific Committee for the implementation of the 2030 regional energy plan of the Emilia-Romagna Region. She is member of ICESP (Italian Circular Economy Stakeholders Platform), Green City Network, STRN (Sustainability Transitions Research Network). Author of numerous scientific publications, informative articles and books, she has participated as a speaker at national and international conferences, seminars and conferences.
04-03-2022 09:30 10:50
Waste management and circularity