Luca Mercalli

Luca Mercalli

Luca Mercalli

Company: Società Meteorologica Italiana

Job Title: President


Luca Mercalli recorded an exclusive video speech for GECO Expo which title is“How is the planet doing", which will be broadcast as a preview introducing the round table "Climate and CO2 emissions: compensate and innovate".

He is the President of the Italian Meteorological Society and the director of the Nimbus magazine. For years he has been involved in research on climate variations and glaciers in the Western Alps, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, communication of climate risk, energy efficiency and renewable energy, environmental sustainability. Since 1993 he has founded and directed the international meteorology magazine Nimbus (with a section dedicated to the climate of the French Alps and the Canton of Ticino in collaboration with Météo France and Meteoswwitzerland) and the series of climatological monographs "Memories of the atmosphere". He is the author of about 100 scientific publications and over 2500 popular articles which appeared mainly in the daily newspaper La Repubblica (1991-2009), La Stampa (since 2010, where he edited editorials and two weekly regular columns on the Italian climate - "Che tempo che fare" on Mondays - and global "The Times of the World" on Wednesday), Il Fatto Quotidiano + Millennium supplement (since 2011) and in various magazines (Alp, L'Alpe, Rivista della Montagna, Donna Moderna, Gardenia, Il Caffè weekly Ticinese, Coop Consumers). He has been a member of the National Order of Journalists since 2001 and works in the field of scientific journalism (SISSA Trieste, FIMA Italian Federation of Environmental Media) and communication of natural hazards (trainer for the Order of Journalists of Piedmont). It is part of the International Weather Forum (Paris) and coordinated the 2017 Italian edition (14th IWF). He collaborated with the World Meteorological Organization for the worldwide promotional campaign "Centennial Observing Stations", 2016.

It is part of the International Weather Forum (Paris) and coordinated the 2017 Italian edition (14th IWF). He collaborated with the World Meteorological Organization for the worldwide promotional campaign "Centennial Observing Stations", 2016. Since 1992 he has operationally coordinated the mass balance on the Ciardoney Glacier together with the Italian Glaciological Committee, Gran Paradiso National Park, World Glacier Monitoring Service (Zurich) and Iren Energia (Turin). He is deeply committed in Italy to the civil battle against the overbuilding of soils, cooperating with the FAI, with Slowfood, with the National Associations of Pedology and Soil Science, promoting the Italian Forum of Movements for the Earth and the Landscape and participating in the documentary directed by Nicola Dall'Olio (2009); the DG Environment-Agriculture, Forests and Soil of the European Commission invited him to be part of the high level conference on soil degradation (Brussels, November 2012). He has held or holds contract teaching positions in climatology for the University and Polytechnic of Turin, School of Higher Studies of the Turin "Ferdinando Rossi" University (SSST), IUAV University of Venice, Trentino School of Management of Trento, University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo (Bra), where since 2017 he has been the holder of the course Climate change and food challenges; He is head of the Meteorological Observatory of the Real Collegio Carlo Alberto of Moncalieri, founded in 1865 and elected to Centennial Observing Station by the World Meteorological Organization in 2018. He is a member of the Italian Glaciological Committee, of the International Glaciological Society-Section Alpes Occidentales of the scientific committees of the Club Alpin Français / FFCAM, of the WWF Italy, of ASPOItalia, National Geographic Italy and of the Comité de lecture of the magazine La Houille blanche of the Société Hydrotecnique de France. He has been a member of the Turin Academy of Agriculture since 2013 and has been a member of the scientific council of ISPRA (Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, Rome) since 2017.

He received the AICA Lifetime Achievement Award (Int. Assoc. For Environmental Communication) "Communicating with citizens is good for the environment", Alba (CN), 3.11.2004, in November 2008 he was awarded the International Exposcuola Award for Scientific Dissemination, Salerno, "Magna Charta" Award for the defense of the territory, Castagnole delle Lanze (AT), 29.04.2010, Aimar Award / Goria Foundation for communication on mountain issues, May 2011 and the Communication Award "Città di Sasso Marconi - BASF" in May 2012. He is among the protagonists of the film Le pere di Adamo by Guido Chiesa (2007) and for Omega-Universal he dubbed the Italian edition of the documentary Planet Ocean by Yann Arthus-Bertrand (2012) and he was scientific consultant for the documentary “Last call” (2013) by director Enrico Cerasuolo, on the history of the “Limits to growth” relationship of the Club of Rome. He is active in the dissemination of renewable energy and the defense of the territory, he lives in Val di Susa, in a highly energy efficient house equipped with solar thermal and photovoltaic panels, heat pump, vegetable garden and rainwater collection tank, electric car.


Luca Mercalli join these events:

01-03-2022 09:30 11:00

Climate and CO2 emissions: compensate and innovate