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Company: AMAT - Agenzia Mobilità Ambiente e Territorio
Job Title: Mobility Planning and Monitoring Area Director
Valentino Sevino has a degree in Architecture from the Milan Polytechnic and a Masters in Environmental Engineering (Polytechnic of Turin, Ecole Polytecnique Federale of Lausanne and Université de Savoie Chambery). He is currently Director of the Mobility Planning and Monitoring Area of AMAT, the Environment and Territory Mobility Agency, and is responsible for the planning and implementation of projects and activities concerning mobility management, shared mobility (car, bike, scooter and kick scooter sharing), sustainable mobility, traffic planning (traffic and parking regulation, cycling, road safety), local public transport planning and the management of European, ministerial and regional projects in the transport sector, sustainable mobility and the environment.
02-03-2022 09:30 10:45
Electric mobility: at what point are we?