"Nature is our only teacher" Interview with Romina Bilardo - Silent Warriors

GECO's community is growing and getting stronger as we head into this second edition, and one of the opportunities we cherish the most is following the journey of our partners, those who support us, and those who walk the path to sustainability with us. Last year, we interviewed Romina Bilardo, founder of Silent Earth Warriors and an expert in corporate sustainability policies. A year later, we find ourselves once again discussing sustainability and the changing landscape around it, including education, new demands, and important plans for the future.

Last year we interviewed you about the Silent Earth Warriors Project. How is it evolving?

The number of "warriors" has increased, as has the involvement of organisations, and our FB group is growing, as are our contacts with local authorities and municipalities. Our network is getting stronger, engaging ALL the stakeholders who are actively working for change: young people with their families, companies, and institutions.

What results have you achieved and what projects are you working on for the near future?

There are two very special projects that we are particularly looking forward to in 2022.

The first is a series of "Save the Environment" Days to protect maritime ecosystems and the Livenza River. It started on January 30th in Caorle. 125 people came together to clean the beach of litter and plastic. The activities will continue throughout 2022 and will go all the way up to the source of the river.

More than 10 municipalities are involved in this huge project to collect plastic, provide training, encourage fun and promote a GREEN culture. The distinguishing element? Having plenty of young people among our green warriors. Passing on the green message, contributing to the education of young people makes us VERY Proud.

The second project, which started at the CLICKWorld Summercamp in Jesolo, is called BEES'S BAR - a special pledge to protect bees, by encouraging the creation of BIODIVERSITY OASES in company gardens.

Let's talk about circular economy: whose example should we be following? Who is currently doing it right?

A memory comes to mind. Canada, 1993. A detached house, a lawn, and a few pruned branches placed beside the road. A special truck drove by, picked up the branches lying by the lawns, and chopped them up into small chips to be used in the gorgeous local parks. We did not yet have recycling in Italy, not like that, whereas CANADA was already committed to reusing and recycling waste. That spark lit my fire, which I continue to feed thanks to the GREEN ENGLISH SUMMER CAMP and the SILENT EARTH WARRIORS group.

Let's talk about ClickWorld: it was already a successful project for young people who want to learn English, and now it also has the added bonus of being sustainable. What motivated you to make this choice?

Children are the driving force behind change, they are the ones who motivate the Silent Earth Warriors organisations, their spontaneous decision-making and their grasp of the essence of things are extraordinary.

With them, change is not about thought, it is about action! Stimulating this essence accelerates environmental transition.

What role does education for sustainability play in equipping children for their future as global citizens?

It is about leading by example. Here, too, it is vital to use a multisensory approach. Our experiential workshops show children that dreams are achievable and that change is possible.

Why did you choose to come back to GECO Expo?


Because it represents a new frontier in networking. Even before the METAVERSE was a thing, GECO created the first virtual sustainability trade show. We became promoters and contributors to this event.

TECHNOLOGY and ECOLOGY are how we can respectfully and responsibly make our environmental transition.

Let's learn respect for the PLANET from mother NATURE: she is the only real teacher we need.

If you are interested in circular economy issues, join GECO EXPO and you will have access to expert insight and meet innovative companies engaged in this field.



Published on 07-02-2022