GECO - Sustainability virtual italian fair
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Video game players have become a highly valuable audience that is increasingly sought after by companies looking to reach customers, especially the younger generations. Mobile and social games in particular have been at the forefront of game development efforts, accounting a
The term impact investing was coined by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2006, but the practice had been around for decades before that. It is a form of investment that seeks to create both financial return and social impact and lies somewhere between philanthropy and traditional
Every day we use a lot of products and devices that break down after a few years and we can not repair them because we do not have the necessary information from the manufacturer. This is the case with laptops, smartphones, tvs and even cars. The challenge with this issue is
Renewable energy is the way to go, there is no doubt about it. But from which sources can we hope to extract sustainable energy for all of our activities? Biomass is an extremely interesting option for many industries. We talked about it with Antonio di Cosimo, president of EBS,
The second edition of GECO Expo, the virtual sustainability exhibition, ended on March 4th. Like the previous edition, it was packed with companies, start-ups, visitors, and buyers who were able to network, compare projects, and attend panels and presentations with leading
Today the second edition of GECO Expo comes to a close with the award ceremony for the Smart Talk contest. This format involves short three-minute videos in which contestants present projects related to sustainability and biodiversity. The contest is open to anyone and
As the third day of the GECO Expo unfolds, we would like to introduce the agenda for the fourth and final day, tomorrow, March 4th. Lack of resources, waste reduction, circularity increase: positive examples for a very demanding challenge Time: 9:30 - 10:50 The
As the second day of the GECO Expo unfolds, we present the agenda for the third day, tomorrow, March 3rd. Technology and digital for the agri-food sector Time: 9:30 - 10:50 Sustainability in agribusiness is closely linked to innovation. The creation of new models of
La prima giornata di GECO Expo è stata piena di incontri significativi e discussioni interessanti. Cosa ti aspetti dalla seconda? Ecco il programma del 2 marzo. Electric mobility: potential, criticality and role of our country in reducing co2 emissions Time: 9:30 -
This is it! GECO Expo starts tomorrow, with a packed calendar of events featuring top experts. Here's what you can expect from the first day of the largest international, entirely virtual trade fair dedicated to sustainability. Climate crisis: how is our planet doing? Zeroing
The second edition of GECO Expo will be held from March 1 to 4 and will host a large number of panels and events dedicated to sustainability in all its forms. Building on the success of last year's event, we are opening up our virtual space to international visitors, buyers and
What is our role in the natural ecosystems? Are humans superior to other animals? These are some of the questions that lead to another, perhaps more uncomfortable question: is the way we treat animals fair? The Italian Senate has made a historic decision, inserting the
Oggi, giovedì 22 Aprile, ricorre la 51a Giornata Mondiale della Terra: un evento con una grande tradizione, ma che quest’anno promette di essere più sentito che mai, soprattutto nel nostro Paese. La fondazione che la organizza coinvolge oltre 75.000 partner in 192 Paesi e
Olimpia Ponno, nostra network partner e speaker per molti degli interventi live avvenuti durante la fiera virtuale il 28, 29 e 30 gennaio, ha intervistato una studentessa, ormai laureata, che ha proposto all'interno della sua tesi finale la nostra fiera virtuale GECO EXPO.
Is a future of sustainable development for Italy really possible? Yes, this is demonstrated by the success and enthusiasm of the first edition of GECO, which exceeded all expectations. In our splendid virtual location, created thanks to the technological platform provided by
Le molteplici tematiche green che verranno affrontate durante la fiera GECO sono certamente spunto di riflessione per i cittadini che vi parteciperanno. Energia, mobilità, turismo sostenibile ed innovazione verde sono sicuramente al centro degli interessi di enti pubblici e
Thanks to the participation of a jury of experts, the Smart Talks projects of Geco Expo are classified according to the criteria of feasibility, innovation, originality of the idea and and the project, sustainable and biodiverse impact; replicability of the project
Here we go, GECO Expo begins, the first major online fair on sustainability. An entirely Italian organization, for an international event, which aims to unite many different realities with the common goal of relaunching the economy in a new way, combining development and the
No, non parliamo di tinture naturali. Nemmeno di detersivi ecologici, nah. Greenwashing è il nome creato per indicare tutte quelle pratiche messe in atto dai brand per convincere i consumatori che i loro prodotti sono più rispettosi dell'ambiente di quanto non siano in
Fra gli obiettivi di tutti i programmi sulla sostenibilità, compreso il Green Deal Europeo, non manca mai un capitolo dedicato alla trasformazione digitale. In che modo la digitalizzazione si lega al percorso verso un futuro sostenibile? Per capirlo bisogna prima di tutto