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What are businesses doing to help fight climate change? Urban Vision, a digital media company specializing in fund-raising for heritage conservation and environmental protection, recently launched a marathon called the Digital Out-of-Home Green Marathon. The marathon aims to promote sustainable practices among businesses, associations and other organizations.
To make their installations sustainable, Urban Vision partnered with Neutralia, a technical partner that measures emissions and implements strategies for reducing them and offsetting them. In this way, communication campaigns can become completely carbon neutral. The marathon began last June 5th and was inaugurated with an event at which Legambiente also participated. The campaigns of brands that operate sustainably at all levels—from production to communication—will alternate on two large digital out-of-home (DOOH) installations. One is located in Milan, in Via Larga - Largo Augusto, and the other is in Rome on Lungotevere Sant'Angelo. New Balance is the main sponsor for this event; it opened the first week with a campaign about its "eco-innovative" shoes."
The purpose of the marathon is to showcase brands that have made responsible environmental choices and are contributing to a reduction in emissions. The event offers companies a unique opportunity to publicize their efforts on behalf of the environment and promote their products on DooH media.
Sustainability should be a priority for any business or organization. The communications and marketing industry, however, often neglects it. Yet this industry is responsible for a significant percentage of our global emissions, so it must find ways to reduce them, if possible. Urban Vision has always been at the forefront of corporate social responsibility because it was the first media company to receive ISO 14064-1:2018 certification for quantifying and reporting its greenhouse gas emissions and for committing to achieving net zero carbon emissions. Furthermore, it uses sustainable materials in its supports and installations.
We chose to participate in this event, creating visibility for our educational initiative GECO for School, which aims to educate young people on environmental issues. We worked on a platform to support the teaching of environmental issues at thousands of schools throughout Italy. The project enabled students to deepen topics such as circular economy and alternativs to fossil fuels.
GFS has developed an inclusive, accessible and scalable model for knowledge transfer. The subject-matter experts provided in-depth information on the themes of sustainability while the contests helped students put into practice the theory of a sustainable lifestyle.
Our work to advocate for a greener, more sustainable school continues, as expanding our network and laying the groundwork for a student body that is prepared to face the challenges of tomorrow is key to our mission. To address the problem of youth unemployment, we have developed a special program that will help young people develop skills in "green" professions that companies will need in the future. The aim is to help young people find jobs more easily after graduation.
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Published on 22-06-2022